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Peru, Ayahuasca, Consciousness & Healing.

Peru, Ayahuasca, Consciousness and Healing.

Earlier this year I went on a retreat in the Amazon, Peru, with a group of fellow Healthcare Professionals: Psychotherapists, analysts, psychiatrists, medical doctors, nurses and researchers. Many had specialisations in anxiety, eating disorders, oncology, addiction and end of life care.

The retreat was an introduction to the plant medicine Ayahuasca and the healing paradigm of the indigenous Shipibo tribe.

But we were not only there as professionals. We were there as a group of humans who wanted to heal our own wounds and traumas. The main purpose of the retreat was to provide ‘Healing for the Healers’ out of the understanding that:

When we heal ourselves we don’t create out of trauma.

When we solve our personal traumas, it changes the way we are as professionals, engaging with patients and clients and the traumas they are dealing with.

Over 2 weeks we went through 6 Ayahuasca ceremonies, while being healed by the highly trained Shipibo Maestras and Maestros. Through their powerful chants, the Icaros, they channel the plant spirit that enters our consciousness. It was incredibly intense at times, but very deep healing and ultimately life changing.

This autumn I’m going back to Peru, to deepen my experience and understanding of this powerful medicine.

Join me this evening to hear about the experience, get a little taster and ask any questions you may have.

Sign up for the 2-hour, free talk on Zoom here.

Photo: @the.paul.winner

August 2

Breathwork session

August 17

New Moon Meditation - Leo